Use "crop|crops" in a sentence

1. You're a crop duster and all you do is just dust crops

2. The variables affecting use included fertilizer prices, crop prices, total cash receipts from crops, total crop acreage, acres of specific crops, cash rent, wage rates, the wholesale price index, and time.

3. Flooding caused major damage to crops, while landslides destroyed crop land across the country.

4. The 2021 crop Budgets provide an estimate of revenues and costs for selected crops

5. the crop rotation and acreage of parcels with crops with high nitrogen demand and long growing season and parcels with other crops;

6. Green manures are crops that are generally sown after the main crop has been harvested.

7. Organic standards require rotation of annual crops, meaning that a single crop cannot be grown in the same location without a different, intervening crop.

8. 1 Crops Grown in Fields 2 Temporary Event Crops 3 Farming Tips 4 Crops in Other Recipes 4.1 Event Crop Goods You can find all goods produced in Township on the Goods page

9. Crop rotations for row crops alternate high-residue crops with lower-residue crops to increase the amount of plant material left on the surface of the soil during the year to protect the soil from erosion.

10. Cucurbits/Melon Crops Curcurbits (Crop Group 9) include the melon subgroup (muskmelons and watermelons), and the squash subgroup (cucumbers and gourds, etc.) These crops are important in all regions

11. Proven disease control FOR THE LIFE OF YOUR CROPS FOOD CROPS ORNAMENTALS TREES & SHRUBS SANITATION Bactericide + Fungicide True Systemic No visible residue Residual of 14 – 21 days Use for entire crop cycle Low risk of phytotoxicity Resistance Management Partner Read more Crop Types Phyton provides broad spectrum control for food and ornamental crops, including fruits, …

12. Agricultural crops, crop residues and farm animal wastes are also forms of Biomass that can be converted to energy.

13. the crop rotation and acreage of parcels with crops with high nitrogen demand and long growing season and parcels with other crops, including a sketch map indicating location of individual parcels

14. Crops are typically divided into six categories: food Crops, feed Crops, fiber Crops, oil Crops, ornamental Crops, and industrial Crops.

15. Cover Crops are grown outside of the cash crop growing season, usually seeded in the fall and killed before spring planting

16. Agronomists, sometimes known as crop scientists, specialize in producing and improving food crops through conducting experiments and developing methods of production.

17. By use, Crops fall into six categories: food Crops, feed Crops, fiber Crops, oil Crops, ornamental Crops, and industrial Crops

18. Alfalfa is one of the major forage crops in dairy and livestock production as well as an expensive crop to establish

19. Why don't producer nations simply switch crops and either become more self-sufficient in food, or produce a different cash crop?

20. Crops synonyms, Crops pronunciation, Crops translation, English dictionary definition of Crops

21. The actual crop plants can now be harvested manually again The junk items, (rotten vegetables, etc) should be added to the Farming Workbench to produce additional Compost, along with (Diseased Meat, etc) found scavenging Surplus food from Crops now puts "Settler Rations" into the workbench, instead of Crops if you have no settlers assigned to any Crops, crop stability will start at …

22. Research involves Using advanced technologies to understand the biochemical and molecular basis of crop quality for the improvement of pulse and cereal crops.

23. Agrochemicals or agrichemicals, is a common name given to chemicals which are used in agriculture, to aid plants and crops growth and safety. Agrochemicals were manufactured to protect agricultural crops from pests and for augmenting crop yields

24. In seed crops, Aphicide treatments should be applied as soon as key aphid species started appearing in the crop or in traps, said Dr Evans

25. Bacteria in Agrobiology: Crop Ecosystems describes the beneficial role of plant growth promoting bacteria with special emphasis on oil yielding crops, cereals, fruits and vegetables

26. He practices crop rotation and intercropping, or growing different crops together in the same field, and uses natural pesticides and fertilizer, like compost produced by worms.

27. No compensation shall be provided where: 10.5.1 the acreage of the damaged Crop has been harvested prior to inspection; 10.5.2 it is determined that the Crop was seeded too late to reasonably expect normal yields; 10.5.3 it is determined that the damage occurred after the majority of the Crops in the same vicinity were harvested; 10.5.4 the Crop was a result of volunteer growth; or 10.5.5 the Crop was seeded on land considered unsuitable for crop production.

28. the crop rotation plan, which must specify the acreage of individual fields with grass and other crops, including a sketch map indicating the location of individual fields;

29. Biomass Biomass is any plant-derived organic matter available on a renewable basis, including dedicated energy crops and trees, agricultural food and feed crops, agricultural crop wastes and residues, wood wastes and residues, aquatic plants, animal wastes, municipal wastes, and other waste materials.

30. Farmers who plant crops with seeds that will grow into plants have more aerenchyma will be able to reduce the amount of fertilizer used in growing a crop.

31. Twelve spring-sown oilseed rape crops, 12 forage maize crops and 24 beet crops have been

32. Thus it is both a cash crop and a fodder crop.

33. This is the equivalent to the entire American corn crop failing along with all of our fruit crops, as well as wheat, tobacco, rice, sorghum -- whatever sorghum is -- losing sorghum.

34. Cucurbitaceous crops comprise a la rge and diverse group of crops

35. (2) Crop rotation

36. A crop duster?

37. Find a great selection of women's crop pants & Capris at Talbots! Shop our women's Capris & crops in a variety of colors & fabrics to find your perfect pair.

38. As of mid-1996, 35 approvals had been granted to commercially grow 8 transgenic crops and one flower crop (carnation), with 8 different traits in 6 countries plus the EU.

39. This distinction becomes important when determining whether a crop is to be sold as Personal Property or as real estate, and also in terms of how Crops are to be

40. Typical courses in Agronomy include topics such as crop and seed identification; crop growth, production, and management; and crop genetics.

41. - very limited possibilities of alternative crops, shown by the possibilities of crop rotation, irrigation and classes of yield, obtained on the basis of land tenure, production and agro-climatic study data;

42. Cropper with a range of aspect ratio Crop a round image Crop cross origin image Crop on canvas Cropper in modal Customize preview Fixed crop box Full crop box Mask an image Minimum and maximum cropped dimensions Multiple Croppers One to one crop box Responsive container Upload cropped image to server

43. Agronomy is the art and underlying science in the production and improvement of field crops with the efficient use of soil fertility, water, laborer, and other factors related to crop production.

44. Growing alternative crops such as short rotation coppice as energy crops and fibre crops such as flax and hemp showed promise.

45. You're a crop duster!

46. Chafer Machinery - Premium Crop Spraying Equipment Premium Crop Spraying Equipment – Made in the UK

47. It's the crop duster.

48. I'm a crop duster.

49. The Portuguese introduced maize as a food crop and coffee as an export crop.

50. What comprise the Agronomic crops? There is no unanimous agreement, but there is wide support that the species in each of the following plant grouping belong to the domain of agronomy: cereal or grain crops; grain legumes or pulses and oilseed crops for food, feed or industrial use; pasture and forage crops; fiber crops; sugar crops; and starchy root and tuber crops.

51. Sector(s) concerned: Growing of non-perennial crops, Growing of perennial crops, Plant propagation

52. Entire crops were lost.

53. ALPHABETICAL LIST OF Crops WITH BOTANICAL NAME AND CROP CODE Crop name Botanical name ICC code Previous code 1 Abaca (Manila hemp) Musa textilis 9213 Alfalfa for fodder Medicago sativa 911 Alfalfa for seed Medicago sativa 911 1.8.2 Almond Prunus dulcis 361 Anise seeds Pimpinella anisum 6212

54. g) plant variety protection, seed technology, improving crop productivity, alternative crop technologies including agricultural biotechnology;

55. Nelson's torching his whole crop.

56. The rice crop was harvested.

57. The blight struck the crop.

58. Cotton is an indispensable crop

59. The crop must be destroyed .

60. The staple crop is rice.

61. 20 Camelina is a dedicated energy crop that does not compete in the food chain. It grows in rotation with wheat acreage and can also grow on marginal land not suitable for food crops.

62. I've got crops coming in.

63. The crops desperately need rain.

64. Farmers usually alternate their crops.

65. The crops are never harvested.

66. Crickets had devoured their crops.

67. Most farmers alternate their crops.

68. Abscission and crop storage agent

69. 26 The weather influences crops.

70. Crops flourish in rich soil.

71. We lost all the crops.

72. The crops are our priority.

73. Salt will rust the crops.

74. Cold weather affected the crops.

75. We were losing the crop.

76. Well, I fertilized and cross- fertilized...... and experimented with crop after crop until the strain was fixed

77. Agrologies is a platform that will help farmers manage their crop areas, more effectively and efficiently, with the use of wireless sensors and remote technology, in order to control irrigation and produce environmentally friendly crops

78. Agriculturist - crops grow 10% faster

79. Continuous rain ruined the crops.

80. They can grow the crops.